'normal' bird - green with blue mask
colouration of 'normal' bird
blue-faced cock - yellow mutation with black eyes
cock, yellow, black-eyed recessive mutation
normal colouration but split for yellow
normal but head markings = split for yellow

Nests - mine nest in half-fronted 5 in. cube nest boxes.  I form a nest of coconut fibre.   The birds don't bother to restructure my nests to any great extent.   They are not fussy

The number of eggs varies considerably.   Seven is my maximum.   All were fertile and six chicks fledged but...

Light sitters - Blue-faced are amongst the lightest of sitters.   Just approaching the aviary is enough for the birds to come off

For this reason, sometimes you are unaware that a pair is nesting.  Care needs to be taken that a pair is not disturbed inadvertently, such that eggs or chicks chill

Discreet - apart from very quiet cheeping during the first few days after hatching, particularly in the morning, chicks make very little noise

A very discreet breeder, such that on one occasion the first I knew of a pair nesting was when three chicks fledged.   The young learn and wean quickly


Nests - mine nest in half-fronted 5 in. cube nest boxes.  I form a nest of coconut fibre.   The birds don't bother to restructure my nests to any great extent.   They are not fussy

Number of eggs varies a lot.   Seven is my maximum.   All were fertile and six chicks fledged but...

Light sitters - Blue-faced are very light sitters.   Approaching the aviary is enough for the birds to come off

blue-faced cock - yellow mutation with black eyes
cock, yellow, black-eyed recessive mutation


You can even be unaware that a pair is nesting.  Care is needed that a pair isn't disturbed inadvertently, such that eggs or chicks chill

Discreet - apart from very quiet cheeping during the first few days after hatching, particularly in the morning, chicks make very little noise

Once, the first I knew of a pair nesting was when three chicks fledged.   The young learn and wean quickly

'normal' bird - green with blue mask
colouration of 'normal' bird